COVID19 from an Herbalists Perspective

COVID19 from an herbalist perspective

Hello Friends,

The last two weeks would have been unimaginable only months ago.  The thought of a pandemic used to be reserved for conspiracy theorists and science fiction enthusiasts.  But here we are, asked to stay in our homes, uncertain about what is to come.  Many of us are wondering what we can do to help ourselves, our families and our community members.  In this series or articles it is my intention to address how to work with the COVID19 virus from an herbalists perspective.

I’ve received many questions about herbs, foods and medicines that we can use to keep us healthy and prevent illness.   Up until now I didn’t feel well enough informed to attempt an answer.   Now, after much research and a little rest, I am ready to give voice to as many answers as I can muster.  So here we go

Stages of COVID19 progression

According to the medical reports coming out of china there are 6 stages that need to be addressed.  Thankfully not everyone will progress to the more sever stages of the virus.  However, treatment strategies are likely to change as the virus moves forward. 

  1. Prevention
  2. Clinical Observation
  3. Early Stage
  4. Closing of the Lungs
  5. Sever Period – Lungs Closed In and Out
  6. Recovery

We will address each stage individually.

Today we will discuss how COVID19 operates.  Each day will be followed with an in-depth discussion about each of the COVID 19 stages from an herbalists perspective.  This gives us all enough time to digest the information.  It also gives me a chance to write it all up.  (something I’m a little slow with). 

How the Virus Operates

According to the information coming out of China and Italy, men are more likely than women to suffer from severe symptoms of the COVID19 virus, including death.  There are a few theories about why this is.  One theory is that more men smoke in these counties than women.  Smoking puts anyone at higher risk.  Some think It could be linked in some way to testosterone and estrogen levels.  In the “normal flu” more women are at risk than men.  With COVID19, the majority of women severely effected are older and likely have much lower estrogen levels.  This will become more important later when we choose our herbs.

ACE 2 Receptors

This Novel Corona Virus enters the body through ACE2 Receptors. Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is an enzyme attached to cell membranes in the lungs, arteries, heart, kidney, and intestines.  It has a direct effect on cardiac function and on the way our body processes and filters fluids. 

As the ACE2 receptors become engaged with the disease, blood pressure increases and the lungs fill with fluid.  This means that we need to supporting the kidney, heart, intestines and liver as well as the lungs in our attempts to keep the fluid from building up.

Once inside the body the virus makes its way to the respiratory system.  Once in the lungs it attacks and wears down, or completely destroys the cilia.  Cilia are the hair like protrusions that line the respiratory system in the lungs, throat, nose and ears.  Its purpose is to push dirt, pathogens, and mucus up and out of the lungs and nose.  When the cilia are damaged, expectoration is difficult and our coughing reflux is inhibited. We can’t get the excess fluid out of our lungs. 

When we can’t cough and get the mucus out, lymph tissue can’t do its job of removing toxic substances.  We fill with fluid.  The heart doesn’t get the oxygen it needs.  Our kidneys are overworked.  We have aches and pains.  The mucus in our lungs thickens and starts to harden.  Finally, we become susceptible to septic shock and heart failure. 

Now remember, many or most will not get to this point.  But we can be here to help those that are having a more difficult time.

How herbs can help to relieve symptoms of COVID19

Herbs and natural therapies do not work in the same way as conventional medicine.  As herbalists we look at what is going on with each person.  We look at the symptoms and the energy behind the symptoms.  There is no single correct action.  From an herbalists perspective we must be ready to change our strategy as the illness associated with COVID19 changes or progresses.

We’ll get more into herbal solutions further in this series.  However, listed below are a few of my favorites for supporting the lungs and water systems that effected by COVID-19.

Mullein (Verbasum thapsus)

Mullein Root to support lung cilia in COVID-19

Mullein leaf decoction or tincture supports and protects the cilia of the respiratory system.   

To make a tea, simmer 1 tablespoon dry Mullein Leaf herb in 2 cups lightly boiling water for about 5 minutes.  Strain and drink hot. 

If using the tincture, add 1 dropper (30 drops) to 1 cup hot water of tea.  Drink hot.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

Comfrey for COVID-19 from an herbalists perspective

Comfrey Root or Leaf can be helpful to protect and heal respiratory cilia and mucus membranes in the respiratory system.  And, although, it’s use internally is somewhat controversial (because of its pyrrolizidine alkaloid content), I believe it can be applied appropriately in this instance for short term use.  That is, unless there is already liver damage.

To make a standard infusion, steep 1 tsp dry herb, per cup hot water for 20 min.  Strain and drink hot.  To use the tincture, add 1 dropper as above to a cup of hot water and drink hot.

Mormon Tea ( Ephedra nevadensis)

Mormon Tea for COVID-19 from an herbalists perspective

A gentle cousin of the Asian Ephedra sinica or mahuang, Mormon tea acts as a mild but persistent bronchial dilator.  It is often used to help those with asthma, allergies and bronchitis, and may be just what is needed at the beginning of COVID-19. 

Mormon tea tends to work best in combination with other plants of the same type.  To use this herb simply add a pinch to either tea as described above.

Golden Rod (Solidago Spp.)

Solidago for COVID-19 from an herbalists perspective

One of my favorites that can be used through the entire illness.  Solidago strengthens the kidneys, and modulates inflammation, while helping reduce excess mucus in respiratory system and digestive system. 

It is often used to treat colds, fever, cough, stomachache. headache, and high blood pressure. 

Solidago can be used as a tea (infusion) or a tincture.

Coffee and COVID19

Hot coffee is a valuable bronchial dilator and is used by many people with asthmatic, and asthmatic type conditions. 

Some who have recovered from COVID19 reported that a cup of coffee provided relief from symptoms like tightening of the chest and difficulty breathing. The caffeine in coffee has been used for years decrease the pain of headaches, including migraines.

Coffee and COVID-19

Use a Plaster to Warm and Loosen Mucus. 

Just like Grandma used to make, herbal plasters are effective treatments for stubborn chest congestion and/or infections.  They are made by grating fresh herbs and lightly cooking them to release their potency.  Plasters can also be made by adding warm water to powdered herbs and other household foods or supplies, like oatmeal or flour.

The mixture is then placed on the chest and covered with a cloth or towel to keep warm.  Then left in place for about 20 to 30 minutes. 

Below are some of my favorites for this condition.

To Make a Plaster
  • Chop or grate some onions, potatoes, garlic or ginger.   (Garlic and ginger work best when mixed with flour.)
  • Dip grated herbs in heated water until warmed but not cooked. 
  • Strain herbs from water and fold in a cloth.  If using ginger or garlic mix with twice as much flour.
  • Place the cloth of herbs over the chest where it feels the most congested.
  • Wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  • Stay warm with plaster on for 20 minutes or until it begins to cool.

DO NOT USE A HEATING PAD OVER THE CHEST!  It will warm the heart too much.

To make a Cabbage Leaf Plaster

  • Separate large, whole, raw cabbage leaves from the head.
  • Place cool cabbage leaves over the chest.
  • Wrap your chest in a warm cloth or blanket.  The heat of  your body will heat the cabbage and help loosen phlegm in the lungs.

Keep the hot water coming.  

One report talked about drinking a mouthful of hot water every 20 minutes to stave the illness.  

Product Suggestions

Further Reading

Feel free to call or e-mail me any time through this crisis.  I will do my best to be present and available to help anyone who wants to discuss with COVID19 from an herbalists perspective.  You can also contact me here. I’m staying away from Facebook, other than to post these articles but will answer messenger. 

Cabbage plaster. COVID-19 from and herbalists perspective


This information is based on reports coming out of China and Italy, reports by the CDC, the World Health Organization and the American Herbalist Guild. 

Further references is are from notes received by the many herbal teachers in my life including Matthew Wood and Phyllis D light.


These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.

When herbs are taken for health purposes they should be treated with the same care as medicine. Herbal remedies are no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are serious about good health, you’ll want to combine diet, exercise, herbals, a good relationship with your doctor and a generally healthy lifestyle. No one of these will do it alone.

This information is designed to be used as part of a complete health plan. No products are intended to replace your doctor’s care, or to supersede any of his/her advice or prescriptions.

7 thoughts on “COVID19 from an Herbalists Perspective”

  1. Pingback: An Herbal Interlude with Common Mullein - Wonderment Gardens

  2. Pingback: Prevention of COVID-19 from an Herbalist Perspective - Wonderment Gardens

  3. Pingback: The Early Stage of COVID-19, Active Infection - Wonderment Gardens

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