Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

natural solutions for prostatitis

Last week we talked about possible causes and natural solutions for an enlarged prostate with elevated PSA levels. This week we will be discussing prostatitis along with natural solutions for prostatitis in both its acute and chronic forms.

The fact is that the most common problems of the prostate gland are Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). If you’d like to review our discussion or to compare possible symptoms, please visit the post on PSA levels and enlarged prostate.

About The Prostate Gland

Natural Solutions for prostatitis.  about the prostate
From Webmd

The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut. It is located directly underneath a man’s bladder, between the bladder and the penis. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, carrying the flow of urine out of the body. 

The purpose of the prostate is to secrete a fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm. During intercourse, the prostate pushes this rich fluid, filled with sperm into the urethra. Then the liquid is ejaculated out of the penis as semen upon sexual climax.

About Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. The fact is, the infection can be acute or chronic. When an infection is acute, it usually comes on quickly and symptoms are often more severe.

Acute Prostatitis

As a rule, a bacterial infection is usually at the root cause of acute prostatitis. Further, it almost always occurs in younger, sexually active men. Symptoms might include a fever, swelling, pain and tenderness, along with other urinary problems that go with an inflamed prostate. Generally speaking, an acute illness usually runs its course in a week or so.

Symptoms of Acute Prostatitis might include

  • An urgent need to pee with little urine coming out
  • High fever
  • Chills
  • Trouble peeing
  • Pain around the base of your penis or behind your scrotum
  • Cloudy urine

Medically speaking, antibiotics are usually the primary course of treatment for Acute prostatitis. However, herbal treatments can be very successful.

Click here to jump to herbal solutions for acute prostatitis.

Chronic Prostatitis

On the other hand, Chronic Prostatitis (CP) is more complicated. There are 3 main types of CP. All of which involve inflammation or swelling of the prostate gland. In contrast to the acute version of prostatitis, CP comes on slowly and can last for several weeks or months. 

3 main types of chronic prostatitis

  1. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis. First, (CBP) is usually caused by an active bacterial infection.
  2. Nonbacterial Chronic Prostatitis (CNP). Also called chronic inflammatory pelvic pain syndrome. Here, no bacterial infection is present. Furthermore, sometimes white blood cells are found in the urine. The truth is CNP is not well understood by doctors.
  3. Non-inflammatory Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is also called Prostadynia. The least understood of the three types. As a rule, doctors believe (CPPS) is caused by other factors, not prostate related. They Believe the cause is related to environmental poisoning, allergies, food sensitivities or autoimmune disease. But other causes are possible. 

Symptoms of Chronic Prostatitis

As was previously stated, the symptoms of chronic prostatitis resemble those of a urinary tract infection. Consequently, there may be pain, swelling, burning and discomfort. Resulting in prostate swelling to much larger than it’s normal size.

Natural solutions for prostatitis.  what is prostatitis?
From Harvard Health

Additional symptoms may include:

  • Burning during or after urination
  • Difficulty starting and maintaining a urine stream
  • Dribbling after urination.
  • A need to urinate frequently or urgently
  • Feeling like the bladder cannot be emptied completely
  • Pain above the penis
  • Discomfort or pain in or below the scrotum
  • Soreness in the Back or rectum
  • Pain experienced during or after orgasm
  • Pelvic pain (bladder, perineum, testes, and the penis)
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED).

Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

To begin with, holistic solutions are likely to include dietary and lifestyle modifications as well as herbal therapies. To decide which route to go, herbalists thoroughly evaluate a person with chronic prostatitis. Methodically looking for food sensitivities, chronic infections and environmental toxins. Even high stress, past chronic conditions or past infections can be a factor. Once you have an idea of the cause, herbal therapies can offer great relief.

Natural Herbal Remedies up to 50% off - click here

Dietary and Lifestyle suggestions/ Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

First were going to discuss a 2014 Study that showed that a combination factors to cause a decline in prostate health. Consequently, making men more susceptible to chronic prostatitis. Next, we’ll discuss the same study as it outlined specific elements that increased the probability of pain and heightened the severity of symptoms. 

Risk factors for chronic prostatitis

Following are factors that increase the risk of developing chronic prostatitis:

  • Age
  • Nightshift work
  • Stress
  • Smoking status
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Scanty water intake
  • Poor or imbalanced diet
  • Frequent sexual activity
  • Delaying ejaculation
  • Holding urine

Factors associated with severe pain

For men who already had chronic, the factors associated with severe pain and worsened symptoms include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Consumption of caffeinated beverages
  • Insufficient water intake

Nutritional Suggestions/ Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

One of the best nutritional suggestions for the prevention or treatment of chronic prostatitis is to follow a Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is a traditional diet from the Mediterranean region. The meal suggestions include eating generous portions of fresh produce, whole grains and legumes. With the addition of moderate amounts of healthy fats, fish and some meats. Here is a good outline of the Mediterranean diet my Healthline.

Other dietary recommendations are as follows:

  • Reduce your consumption of simple sugars
  • Avoid alcohol (especially beer)
  • Avoid spicy foods
  • Add foods or supplements rich in Flavonoids, vitamin B complex, Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc
  • Decrease dairy products and eat meat moderately

Lifestyle suggestions for Chronic Prostatitis

  • Increase circulation to the pelvic area by practicing pelvic floor exercises
  • Yoga therapy designed to improve pelvic circulation and strengthen pelvic floor
  • Fully empty the bladder, especially after ejaculation
  • Drink more water.

Herbal Solutions/ Natural Solutions for Chronic Prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis usually responds well to botanical therapies. Other forms of CP may take a little longer. When working with herbal remedies, first take a good look at presenting symptoms and outline what you feel is going on.

In general, we’ll want to look at herbs that stimulate the immune system (especially if there is an infection). Anti-inflammatory herbs may help address any swelling and inflammation. We’ll add pelvic decongestants that work together with astringent herbs to shrink boggy tissues and help us keep the energy flowing smoothly through the area. Finally, we may use anti-spasmodic or analgesic herbs to help with pain and spasms.

Anti-inflammatory Herbs

An example of some herbs with nice anti-inflammatory actions for the urinary system and the prostate include Cleavers herb (Galium aparine), Corn Silk (Zea mays), Cooch Grass rhizome (Elytrigia repens), Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis), Saw Palmetto Berry (Serenoa repens), Uva-ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) , Black Cohosh (Actea racemose) and Yarrow (Achillea millifolium).

Pelvic Decongestant and Pelvic Tonic Herbs

Several herbs in this category are thought of as women’s herbs. However, pelvic congestion is pelvic congestion. Most of the time these plants work for both sexes. Herbs in this category include Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), Damiana (Turnera diffusa), Yarrow (Achillea millifolium), Stinging Nettle Root (Urtica dioica), Saw Palmetto Berry (Serenoa repens), Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus ideaus) and Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi).

Anti-Spasmodic and Analgesic herbs

Analgesic and anti-spasmodic herbs decrease pain and spasm to the prostate, abdomen and surrounding tissue. Sometimes the pain of prostatitis can feel like a burning or shooting pain in the bones, muscles and even the penis. Herbs that ease pain include Kava kava (Piper methysticum), Crampbark (viburnum opulus), Black Haw (viburnum prunifolium), Black Cohosh (Actea recemosa), Angelica Sinensis (Dong quai), Wild Yam (Dioscorea spp), and Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis).

Herbs to Regulate or Support the Immune System

The immune system is complex with a full explanation going beyond the scope of this writing. However, it’s important to understand that inflammation is an immune response. When working with chronic inflammation we want to stabilize, support and regulate the immune system. Stabilizing the immune response is more likely to decrease inflammatory symptoms. Where a full-on stimulation of the immune system may increase inflammation and swelling.

Herbs that stabilize immune function

We’ll want to use immune herbs that help to re-organize and stabilize the immune system. Choosing herbs that also work with chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune issuesSuch botanicals include Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Cordyceps fungus (Cordyceps sinensis), Asian Ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). 

Herbs to limit inflammation

Next we’ll choose herbs that support the immune response while limiting inflammation. Herbs like Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Baikal Scullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) and Boswellia (Boswellia serrata).

Herbal Support/ Natural Solutions for Acute Prostatitis

Herbal treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis is very similar to the chronic bacterial version. Herbs taken for acute infections are usually taken in slightly larger quantities and for a shorter period of time.

Some helpful herbs include:

Corn Silk (Zea mays)

Corn Silk, Natural solutions for prostatitis
Image by Emilian Robert Vicol from Pixabay

The silk from mature corn plants help to increase the amount of water expelled by the body. Corn silk is a soothing herb. It also has antibacterial and demulcent effects on the bladder, urethra, and prostate. Corn silk is useful for cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, and interstitial cystitis. Best used in formula.   

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

horse tail as a natural solution for prostatitis
Image by ArtTower from Pixabay

Horsetail or Scouring Rush is considered a living fossil. Quite a handy herb to have around. Horsetail is indicated for urinary irritation, night-time urination, urinary frequency and urinary incontinence, including drippling. Think of Horsetail when there is a chronic or acute bacterial infection, blood in the urine, and when the urine is cloudy or contains debris. I like to mix horsetail with marshmallow or cleavers to mediate and sooth its effects.

Cranberry fruit (Vaccinium spp.)

Cranberry fruit, a natural solution for prostatitis
Photo by Image by Zdeněk Chalupský from Pixabay

Cranberry is a classic herb when it comes to urinary heath. This common fruit is beneficial for prostatitis. Cranberry is best used as an unsweetened juice or as a freeze-dried extract in capsules. Although, I know some low-tech herbal clinics that pass out store bought cranberry juice by the gallons with good urinary results. Blueberries and cranberries are close relatives, and both prevent bacteria from adhering to bladder, urethra and prostate tissue. Use it daily to prevent or control cystitis or prostatitis. Note: The blueberry fruit works best after they have been frozen. Alternately, the leaves can be used anytime.

Uva-Ursi herb (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Uva-Ursi is a urinary tract antiseptic with anti-bacterial, antifungal and astringent properties. It is useful for acute and chronic bacterial infections of the urinary tract. Including bacterial prostatitis and epididymitis. (An inflammation of the tube located at the back of the testicles that stores and carries sperm). Think of Uva Ursi when there is cramping or heavy and dragging pelvic pain. Uva Ursi is not recommended for extended use. Use for 7 to 10 days in formula only.

Cleavers (Galium aparine)

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

Cleavers is a mild diuretic that helps the bladder fully empty. This herb is indicated for suppressed, painful urination and bladder irritations that accompany prostatitis. Cleavers decreases inflammation of swollen organs and tissues through the urinary system and the lymph. According to herbalist David Winston, Cleavers is especially useful when the vas deferens, spermatic cord, and epididymis of a man’s urinary system in inflamed. He recommends its use when testicular pain or painful ejaculation are primary symptoms.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens)

considered by many to be the gold standard for prostate issues. Saw Palmetto berries act as a hormonal regulator, adaptogen, immune tonic, urinary tonic, diuretic and immune regulator. It also has alterative or blood cleansing and anti-spasmodic properties, a nifty plant. It’s specified when urination is painful and when spasms are present. This herb increases the flow of urine and decreases the tendency for stones. At the same time Saw Palmetto tones the entire physical structure of the reproductive and urinary systems. Being especially recommended for a lack of urinary tone in the elderly.

Recipes/ Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

As we bring in possible herbal protocols, remember that when working with holistic health and herbal therapies there is no one size fits all approach. As herbalists we don’t make prescriptions. Everyone is unique. We all live life and experience things in our own way. We all have a different constitution, diet and background.

Holistic health practitioners look at the whole person rather than focusing on a specific diagnosis. We do this by outlining symptoms, history and lifestyle. We tend to look at the qualities of herbs and conditions to help assess what’s going. Then we take all this into consideration when making any kind of individualized suggestion. Please take your own special circumstances into consideration. It’s always a good idea to work with a qualified herbalist or other holistic practitioner. And…Keep your doctor in the loop.

When beginning any new herbal (or other) protocol make sure to take time to listen to your body. Pay attention to what’s going as you start, once you’ve started, and as you continue. How do you feel? Are you getting the results you want? If something feels off, then it is. All plants and supplements work differently with different people. It doesn’t mean herbs don’t work. It means that what you’re doing may not be right for you. If you begin to feel uncomfortable in any way, STOP. Give me or someone else a call and chat about what’s going on and how you feel. Contact me here if you have and questions or want to discuss your herbal plan.

One possible formula for Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic Prostatitis Formula
Saw Palmetto Berry (Serenoa repens) 1-part
Cleavers (Galium aparine) 1-part
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) 1-part
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 1-part
Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) 1-part
Kava kava (Piper methysticum) 1/2-part
Mix individually prepared liquid extracts as indicated. Take ½ to 1 teaspoon 3 times per day for up to 3 months.

A Possible Formula for Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

Acute Bacterial Prostatitis Formula (adapted from Cascade Anderson Gellers formula 2012)
Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis) 3 Parts
Saw Palmetto berries (Serenoa Repens) 3 parts
Echinacea spp 2 parts
Combine individually prepared herbal extracts or herbs by volume. 
Take 30 – 60 drops of the extract 3 times per day in a little water.
To make a decoction, combine herbs. Place 2 oz combined herb into 4 cups cold water. Slowly bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 min and remove from heat. Let cool 20 min. Take ½ cup 4 times per day.

Penis Soak

A penis soak can be comforting and soothing when inflammation, infection and pain are present.

Penis Soak
Mix Equal parts of Yarrow and chamomile, dried herb. 
Place in an airtight container and shake well before each use.
Mix 1 heaping tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Let steep until lukewarm. The tea should be warm and comfortable. Put the tea in an appropriate soaking container. Sit on the toilet or other suitable chair and dangle scrotum and penis in tea until uncomfortably cool.

Product Suggestions/ Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

As a clinical herbalist, I am always happy to help you assess your personal needs. Then develop an individualized healing plan designed especially for you.  Please click here for information about ordering a formula, individual tincture or plant extract or to schedule a consultation.

Affiliate Product Suggestions/ Natural Solutions for Prostatitis

Prostaphil™ 300 mg from Supersmart

Supersmart studied the applications of this formula finding it effective in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia, prostatitis and prostate cancer prevention. Prostaphil 300 has shown an ability to inhibit cancerous prostatic cell growth. In addition to improving muscle relaxation and increases bladder contractibility. May be best to use in conjunction with cranberry and saw palmetto.

Prostaphil&trade 300 mg

Prostaphil&trade 300 mg

Pollen extract which reduces prostate volume

ProstaNatural Formula by Supersmart

ProstaNatural Formula is a comprehensive and meticulously-formulated supplement. It contains several exceptional nutrients which help improve urinary and prostate function. These two formulas may work best when taken together.

ProstaNatural Formula

ProstaNatural Formula

Helps maintain prostate health

Botanic Choice Cranberry

Here’s a Cranberry Concentrate that gives you the equivalent of 140 mg. of Cranberry juice, plus 100 mg. of Vitamin C and 3 IU. of Vitamin E, without the sugar!

Botanic Choice Cranberry Plus? - Urinary Support Supplement - 60 Tablets

Botanic Choice Cranberry Plus? – Urinary Support Supplement – 60 Tablets

Cleanse Your Kidneys, Ease Excess Water and Bloating

Thank you for asking questions as well as for reading my blog. I hope it is a helpful resource. Above all, I love sharing my experience and research with you. What is more, I hope you join in the conversation. Please take the time to comment below or shoot me an e-mail, message or comment to tell me of your experiences. First, what have you tried? Next, what has worked? And finally, what hasn’t worked or what didn’t you like? I would love to hear from you. 

Many blessings




Winston, Davis RH (AGH), Men’s Health Issues: Herbal and Nutritional Treatment for Common Genito-Urinary Problems.  Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine Lecture Notes, 2015

Stage, Katie ND, RH(AHG) and McAllisterm, Heather ND, RH(AHG):  Botanicals Without Borders Surpassing our gender bias with herbs.  Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine Lecture Notes, 2014

Arvigo, Rosita DN; An Integrative Approach to Reproductive Health in Men and Women.   Medicines from the Earth Botanical Medicine Lecture Notes, 2004

Anderson Geller, Cascade Herbalist; Natures Antiseptics.  Medicine from the Earth Botanical Medicine Lecture notes 2012.


The statements and ideas presented here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. They have not been evaluated by the FDA. All ideas presented are for the sole purpose of education. To help you take control of your own health. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. We suggest that you always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.

These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing any new exercises.

Herbs taken for health purposes should be treated with the same care as medicine. Herbal remedies are no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are serious about good health, you’ll want to combine diet, exercise, herbals, a good relationship with your doctor and a generally healthy lifestyle. No one of these will do it alone.

This information is designed to be used as part of a complete health plan. No products are intended to replace your doctor’s care, or to supersede any of his/her advice or prescriptions.

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