Ask Annie Holistic Blog, written by clinical herbalist and yoga therapist Annie Jones

Blessed Thistle for vertigo
The Herbs
An Herbal Interlude with Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle was considered a heal-all in medieval Europe where it was used as a primary treatment for the bubonic plague. Today it’s used to improve digestion and to treat liver and stomach problems.

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Healthy abdominal organs, Female
Reproductive Health
Natural Solutions for Abdominal Organ Prolapse

Dear Annie, I was diagnosed with bladder prolapse. The doctor recommends surgery. I’d like to avoid surgery. Is there anything I can do?
Thank you, this is a great question. There are several natural solutions that can help reduce symptoms and support the abdominal region and pelvic floor.

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Healthy Hair
Hair Health
Natural Solutions for Hair Health

Dear Annie, What would you suggest I look for in a hair serum to promote scalp, Hair health and growth? Since the birth of my son 5 years ago, I’ve noticed my hair thinning. I don’t feel like I’m losing my hair but notice a lot on my brush and it feels like my hair is thinner.
The consistency of hair can often change at different times in life and is often connected to a major life change, like having children, menopause, age or illness. Hair (all over our body) is linked to the health of the entire system and is an indicator of your overall state of health.

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Poison Ivy
Skin Care
Natural Solutions for Poison Ivy

Dear Annie, my friend’s son got into poison ivy. He did get steroid cream and is still having a hard time controlling the itch. Is there anything that could help?
There are several natural solutions that can help control the itch and heal the rash including Plantain, Grindelia, Feverfew and Kava Kava.

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